
Réka Bikki

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Children pornography and pedophilia

de Réka Bikki, 2011

pornographyThe word pornography is by the Greek and is a symbol for prostitutes. The genitals are shown. In the beginning the genitals released as photos and later as videos. A first porno movie released later in 1972. Today pornography is conncted to pedophilia. Many people think it‘s a disease. The interesting thing is that pedophilia was known in the Roman age. Furthermore it was amazing that the annoyance concerns youth and the catholic church, too. There are groups who want to make pedophilia legal.


Pornography and pedophilia occurs all over the world but mostly in Asia, Russia and Africa. Also in Europe the two problems aren‘t rare. Most popular girls are untouched persons with a beautiful skin. Nobody risked to think about what role the family plays. As a poll by the IWF (Internet Watch Foundation) more then two quarters of the porns are from small chils (0 - 10 years) and one quarter of it are girls between 0-6 years. In this videos you see how the girls get abused. Contributors of the videos do it hidden. They don‘t use advertisement and they save the photos splitted on different servers. 


The youth mostly get victims via internet. They get the attions from the pedophilias via social networks because they add personal information ect. First they will be spectated and afterwards the pedophilias start the contact. When they get the trust of the victims they‘ll meet the youth and convict them. In many cases they sell the victims. The attempts will be recorded and will be contributed on children pornography sites. 2009 police men executed a search warrent at German guys who are registered on porno websites. In the whole world 22 guys get arrested and over 220 computers are monopolized. The accusatorial was the annoycance of children. 

2006 an American girl commits a suicide because the friend of her mother terrorized the girl. Megan Meier thought a guy is annoying her but later the truth exposes.


Today there is a contract between 17 websites (among Facebook, MySpace) which rises because youth ans user in gernal wanted to protect themselves. They developed a method which gave them the chance to report the moderators if something strange happens. And the police can be notifyed faster.

Furhtermore it‘s the task of the parents to protect the children and inform about the dangers of the internet. 

The picture is not real. It's just an example.

The writers are Daniel Lakatos, Zoltan Gyoker and Reka Bikki

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Réka Bikki, 06.05.2011, 15:07
i can`t delete it.
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